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Friday 1 May 2009

[Rumor] Ayumi Hamasaki may take a long break soon after ARENA TOUR 2009 is finished

Not sure where this piece of article is true or not, but just let wait and see until the end of the year...

Original article:

滨崎步入行11年感疲惫 可能放长假充电(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年05月01日11:51 新浪娱乐

  新浪娱乐讯 北京时间5月1日消息,据香港媒体报道,香港avex的发言人日前透露,滨崎步今年十月后的档期暂不接任何工作,看来,入行已十一个年头的滨崎步,很有可能准备放一个长假,好好休息充电。


  记得滨崎步去年底不慎伤手,现在虽已康复,但她很有可能趁入行十一年的时机放一个长假,好好休息充电,其最新专辑《NEXT LEVEL》以一首《Curtain call(谢幕)》作结,似乎有所寓意!



Rough english translation

Beijing News May 1, according to media reports in Hong Kong, Hong Kong's spokesman has revealed avex, after October this year, Ayumi Hamasaki not access any of the work schedule, it appears that entry has 11 years of Ayumi Hamasaki It could well be ready to take a long vacation, a good rest charge.

Entrants have been friends for 11 years, this year's work is still busy, in addition to up to six months to cope with a national tour of concerts, but also busy with publicity for the book to the summer to participate in more than a-nation performances, can be two places at once lack of technique.

Remember the end of last year, Ayumi Hamasaki inadvertently hand injury, has now recovered, but she is likely to take advantage of the opportunity to join eleven years, one long, charging a good rest, and its latest album "NEXT LEVEL" to a "Curtain call (curtain call) "end, seems to have meaning!

In fact, friends do not have any plans for the dish, yesterday (April 30) avex confirmation to the Hong Kong press, the spokesman admitted in October after Ayumi Hamasaki not take any work schedule, and scheduled to tour the mainland of China and个唱RTHK also canceled other words Ayumi Hamasaki in Hong Kong for three consecutive years of the plan to open a concert can not be achieved.

And Ayumi Hamasaki's "干妈" Noguchi Meijia friends a few days ago to the scene of the concert tour for her encouragement, but also to share the background Snapshots uploaded. Background photos can be found from the organizers for Ayumi Hamasaki bedroom set in the background can be seen开唱before she had to fight for time to rest. Ayumi Hamasaki after performing with the trainer to concentrate on reinforcement and relax the body

Credit: kiseki89 @ AHS Forum
Original source: Sina
Shared by Ayu's Story

1 comment:

  1. Noo!! Ayumi!! I hope this isn't true! But if she needs the rest, then I'm ok. I just hope she doesn't quit singing T_T
